Student Organization Leader Information

Being a student organization leader requires understanding how to operate the org, being a behind the scenes leader so your members have a successful experience. At a minimum, student org leaders must understand purchasing, event management, fundraising, and how different rules impact your activities. Use this information to help you manage your student org. When you have questions, please contact Office of Student Life. 

Applicable College Rules

Admission to the college carries with it the prescription that the student will conduct himself or herself as a responsible member of the college community. This includes an expectation that the student will obey appropriate laws, will comply with the rules of the college and its departments, and will maintain a high standard of integrity and honesty. Violations of college rules or conduct that interfere with the operation of college affairs will be dealt with by the college, and the college may impose sanctions as outlined in the Student Conduct Code (WAC 495D-120). This includes any action related to club business or activities.

Hazing is an inappropriate form of behavior and will not be tolerated. It is prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct and is defined as any method of initiation into a student organization that is likely to cause danger or harm – physical, mental, or emotional. If you know of any such incidents, please notify the club advisor, the Manager of Office of Student Life, your instructor, or any of the staff in Student Services. Any club or organization where members participate in hazing could lose its ASG approval and funding.

Students, faculty, staff and administration support the board policy and the law in having a drug and alcohol-free campus. Drugs and alcohol are not permitted anywhere on campus except as specifically provided for by board policy. The use of illegal drugs by any student attending a college-sponsored event is also prohibited, even though the event does not take place at the college. The use of alcohol by any student attending such events on non-college property shall conform to state law. Violation of this rule will elicit appropriate sanctions.

Student org leaders should keep in good contact with the ASG Executive Board by registering their  talking about their activities. Officers from each student org should submit email contact information to the office to receive updates from ASG, to  events and support other student clubs and student activities on campus.

Student Organization Operations

Being a member entails:

  • Participating in student org activities and meetings
  • Voting on student org matters, including officers, events to hold, how to spend funds, etc.
  • Non-members may still participate in student org events, and members may decide to stop participating at any time
  • Any currently enrolled student at LWTech is eligible to be a member

Officers are responsible for leading the student org, following policies, and submitting required paperwork. Student organizations should have at least one officer but can have more as needed.

The traditional officer positions are as follows, but student orgs can add/change titles/responsibilities as needed. Officer responsibilities and election process should be stated in the student organization constitution.

  • President
    • Organize functions and lead meetings, determine how often/when/where meetings will take place, provide leadership in goal setting for the student org, and developing enthusiasm and excitement among members
  • Vice President
    • Assist the President in leading the student org, take over in case of President’s absence
  • Records Officer
    • Take and distribute official meeting minutes (record of what takes place at meetings), record the student org's history (list of events, pictures, etc.), keep track of activities for the year
  • Treasurer
    • Accurately track financial records (work with Office of Student Life to do so), update student org members on available funding, manage fundraising efforts
  • Events Coordinator
    • Implement event ideas of the student org, complete forms with Office of Student Life (to reserve space, order supplies, etc.)

More information about officer responsibilities is available in the Student Organizations Canvas Course.

In order for a student organization to receive funding and support, they need remain an active organization. To be considered active, the officers must:

  • Submit annual renewing form (available on Canvas) during the first quarter they will be active that year
  • Have at least one student officer attend training once a year

Student organizations can request funding through the Event, Funding, and Travel form.

Student org officers and members should meet regularly during the quarter to plan activities, set goals, and engage in the purpose of the student org. Student org advisors can reserve space for meetings. 

Student organizations can hold events, fundraisers, and travel as an official organization of LWTech. In order to receive funding, support, and liability coverage for an event or activity, student orgs must register the event by submitting the appropriate forms.

All forms are available in Canvas. The steps for gaining approval for events are:

  1. Submit an Event Registration Form
  2. If purchasing materials or food, include it in the same form. 
  3. If fundraising, indicate it in the event registration form and complete required areas. 
  4. If needing marketing support, submit a Marketing Request Form
  5. If traveling, indicate it in the event registration form. 

All forms must be completed at least 30 days before the date of the event, purchase, or travel. All forms will be reviewed by Office of Student Life and then submitted to the appropriate campus departments to fulfill the requests.

Understanding Funding

Student organization funding is provided through the Services and Activities fees, paid for by enrolled students through tuition. Student orgs may apply for funding through the Associated Student Government to sponsor or create activities for their members. These activities might include hosting a speaker, celebrating the end of the quarter, creating an activity for the student body, or traveling for service learning, volunteering, or professional development. 

Depending on the type of spending, all student orgs have an account to hold funds. This account is specific to the student organization, and held in trust by LWTech. Student organizations may not open a bank account.
Yes. LWTech has a process for student organizations to raise funds. Fundraising is done to make extra money for a student org's activity. However, any fundraising by the student org must have a purpose. A student org must designate raised money for a specific purpose, and spend it on that purpose. Office of Student Life will assist all student orgs with fundraising, after they complete an event registration form.
The short answer is no. Student organizations may not host a fundraiser to give away money to individuals or organizations. This is against state policy.
Any funds raised by the student org is held in a LWTech account. Therefore, the funding becomes state authorized funds. Any state rules related to spending or fundraising student org money are applied to these dollars.
When a student org is approved for spending funds, after approval through the application process, the student org will work with Office of Student Life to complete all purchasing requirements. 
Yes. A student org may purchase supplies or materials to give away to its members or the general student body. However, in order to give away a supply or material, a participant must do something in order to get the supply or material. For example, if a student org wants to order squeeze balls for stress relief, the student org will hold an activity and talk about stress management with the larger student body. Another example is buying t-shirts. A student org may buy t-shirts for its members. The college and student org is asking its members to 'participate' in the activity of advertising the student org and college.
Yes. A student org may purchase food for an event that is held at a specific time and place. A student org may not purchase food to give away to individuals without an event (which could include a meeting) being sponsored.

Event Management

Holding an event or sponsoring an activity means having a great idea for your members to get engaged with an activity. Ask your student organization members what activity would focus on your group's mission or purpose.
Complete an event registration form, for any activity you want to hold; regardless of whether or not your group has funding. 

Work with Office of Student Life coordinator to purchase supplies. All and any purchases must be approved before purchased by a student org officer, advisor, or member buy completing the purchasing request form.

You can use the same form to complete the event registration and purchasing request together. 

Let the college community know about your event. Complete a marketing form and Office of Student Life will assist you with designing and marketing your event or activity.
Office of Student Life will work with you to help build, create, and implement your event. We will post your event to the college calendar, put up your posters, help you book a college location.
After your event is completed, complete an event evaluation form. Let us know more about your event, including how your members enjoyed the experience or letting us know what you learned.