Universal Design for Learning

The Learning Lab is designed using a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model. UDL improves and optimizes learning for all people based on scientific insights into how we learn.

Universal Design for Learning establishes guidelines for providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression for learning. This makes learning accessible to all students in a customizable and individualized way that reduces barriers to equity and inclusion.

The Learning Lab is universally designed to meet ADA and accessibility guidelines, while also meeting the needs of all learners. Tutors are trained to work with each individual student by using:

  • Photo of ergonomic/accessible keyobardMultiple means of engagement (listening, watching, interacting, group work, independent work, demonstrations, etc.)
  • Multiple means of representation (verbal, text, whiteboards, handouts, computers, videos, etc.)
  • Multiple means of expression (verbal, written, typed, drawn, teaching others, role play, etc.)

The Learning Lab provides Universal Design for Learning in its tutoring practices and its resources

  • Headphones
  • Assistive technology (i.e. page magnifiers, trackball mouse, high contrast keyboard)
  • Models (Chemistry, Skeleton)
  • ADA accessible furniture (Standing desks, powerlift tables)
  • Whiteboard tables/pens
  • SMART Board
  • Tutors trained in UDL practices