Online DSS Services

Disability Support Services is excited to announce a new option for LWTech students.  Through our new accommodations management system from Accessible Learning, you can request your letters of accommodations, alternative media, equipment, notetaking, and testing services.  You will also be able to download alternative media and view the status of all your requests.


Accessing DSS Online Services Instructions

To Complete Required Forms

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. Once you are logged in, your Dashboard will display Action Required along with links to any forms that need to be completed.
  3. Click on the form agreement that requires a signature or further information.  The box will expand to show the form details along with a field for you to sign electronically.
  4. After signing the form, click Submit Form.

Change Your Login Information

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. On the left-hand side, select Change My Login Information
  3. From there you may enter a new username/password

Request Letters of Accommodations

Instructors are not authorized to provide accommodations until they receive a Letter of Accommodations from DSS.

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. Once you are logged in, scroll down to the 3 step Process to Request Accommodations.
    Step 1:  The term should be the quarter you are requesting accommodations.
    Step 2:  Enter the 4-digit Course Registration Number (CRN) for each class in which you would like accommodations.  You can find the CRN (listed as the item number) on your class schedule.
    Step 3:  Click on the button to Continue to Customize Your Accommodations.
  3. Select your accommodation(s) for each class.  Students do not have to choose all the accommodations for each class.  If you choose not to request an accommodation, you are still authorized to do so any time in the quarter.  For example, you may choose not to request a digital recorder initially, but may find it necessary later in the quarter.   You may request the digital recorder at any time by logging in to Online Services and completing the 3 Step Process to Request Accommodations.

Review Approved Accommodations

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. Click My Eligibility on the left side of the screen under My Accommodations.
  3. All approved accommodations will be listed.

Request Alternative Media (Audio, PDF, DOC) for Textbooks and Class Materials

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services.
  2. Click on Alternative Format on the left side of screen under My Accommodations.
  3. Scroll down until you see Get Alternative Formats. Fill out all the fields for the book. Any fields not completed will cause a delay in obtaining the alternative format. Click on Submit Request after completing the entire form.
  4. All the books being processed will show on the Alternative Formats screen.
  5. The DSS office will email the student after the book has been completed. The student can:
    1. Download the book through DropBox.
    2.  Stop by the DSS office with a flash drive.

Check Equipment Loan Information

DSS students checking out equipment must pick up these items at the DSS office.  You can use Online Services to see what equipment you have checked out along with the due date.

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. On the left hand side under Home, click Equipment Checked Out.
  3. Students will see what equipment is checked out, when it is due back, and the value or replacement cost. It will also show equipment checked out in past quarters.

Check if Notetaker Has Been Assigned

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services
  2. Click Notetaking Services on the left side of the screen under 'My Accommodations.'
  3. If a notetaker has been assigned, you will see who the notetaker is and their email address for each class you requested.

Become a Notetaker

  1. Go to the DSS page
  2. Click on "Sign Up to Be a Notetaker" on the top of the page.
  3. Submit an online application using your Student ID number, username is (firstname.lastname) and your school email address. 
  4. Enter the numbers you see in the image for the Captcha box.  Click the Continue to Step 2 buttons.

Sign the Student Invoice

The student invoice will be available during the last week of the quarter.  You will receive an email asking if notes were received for the class.

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services.
  2. The student invoice should appear automatically when you log in.
  3.  Review the information carefully before submitting your invoice.
    Step 1:  Select your class from the drop-down menu.
    Step 2:  Rate your notetaker on a scale of 1 - 5 (the notetaker will not be able to view the rating.)
    Step 3:  Make comments regarding the quality of your notetaker to assist us in future hiring.
    Step 4:  Add your E-Signature by typing in your name.
    Step 5:  Check the box indicating you have received class notes from classmate this quarter.
    Step 6:  Click Submit Your Invoice.
  4. Review the information carefully before submitting your invoice.
  5. You will receive an email confirming that your invoice was successfully submitted.

Request Testing Services

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services.
  2. Click on Alternative Testing on the left side of screen under My Accommodations. The Alternative testing contract will display.
  3. Select the class you are requesting test accommodations. Click on Schedule an Exam after choosing the class. The No Alternative Testing Contract Specific means the instructor has not given the DSS office information on proctoring the exam. Students can still schedule their exams without a contract in place. 
  4. Please read carefully the terms and conditions of Requesting Exam without Alternative Testing Contract.
  5. Fill out the exam/quiz details carefully and completely. Missing information will delay processing the request. Students can see their class schedule for the class. Click on Add Exam Request after completing the form and clicking on reading the terms and conditions box.
  6. The screen will display System Update is Successful. If you click on Alternative Testing under My Accommodations, it will show any upcoming exam requests for the current term. The Assessment Center will contact you to finalized all requests. Students can schedule all their quizzes, exams and finals for the entire quarter.

DSS Privacy Statement

The DSS Office maintains records of a student's disability according to the guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

These records are maintained in the DSS Office, separately from the student's academic records. 

To ensure privacy and security, do not share your LWTech login information.  The DSS Staff is very sensitive to and respectful of your right to privacy and confidentiality.