Academic Standards

Lake Washington Institute of Technology is a state supported public institution. Washington State Law (RCW 28B.10.695) requires colleges to adopt policies to help ensure students seeking degrees and certificates complete these programs in a timely manner and efficiently use state resources. LWTech expects its students to take their education seriously and plan for success. The college provides many types of assistance to students, including setting standards for academic success and appropriate interventions to assist students in their academic progress.

The Financial Aid Office maintains additional policies related to Standards of Academic Progress as related to the provision of federal and state financial aid. These policies are separate from what is described below and can be found at

Procedure for Grades Below a 2.0

LWTech students must earn a cumulative and/or quarterly grade point average of 2.0 or above. If not, the college will place the student progressively on academic notice level one, two, three, and four. The level depends upon how many consecutive quarters the student’s GPA falls below 2.0. If the student’s cumulative and most recent quarterly grade point average is 2.0 or above, the college will return the student to good academic standing.

Academic Notice, Level 1

No Action Required

In the first quarter the cumulative or quarterly grade point average falls below 2.0, the student is placed on academic notice, level one status. At this level:

  • Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor (non-faculty) to receive support and develop a success plan.
  • There is no appeal of academic notice level one.

Academic Notice, Level 2

Meeting With Academic Advisor Required

In the second consecutive quarter of enrollment with a cumulative or quarterly grade point average below 2.0, the student is placed on academic notice, level two status. At this level:

  • Students must meet with an academic advisor (non-faculty) to receive support and develop a success plan.
  • The student’s registration will be blocked and permission of the academic advisor required for class registration.
  • The college prohibits late registration for students on academic notice level two.
  • There is no appeal of academic notice level two.

Academic Notice, Level 3

One Quarter Suspension From the College

In the third consecutive quarter of enrollment with a cumulative or quarterly grade point average below 2.0, the student is placed on academic notice, level three status. At this level: 

  • The college will suspend the student for one quarter; this means the student will be dropped from any future enrollment. During the student’s suspension, the student may not register for any course.
  • The student may not participate in events or activities reserved for students.

In order to return, the student must meet with the Director of Student Development to receive support and develop a success plan.

  • Success plans may include and are not limited to: restrictions on the number of credits a student may take, requirements to participate in support services such as tutoring, coordinated care between offices on campus and off campus as needed, and/or requirements to take classes in a particular sequence. 
  • Registration for future quarters can only happen after this meeting and with permission from the Director.
  • The college prohibits late registration for students returning from academic suspension. 
  • Some programs may have additional re-application requirements. 

The student will be placed on academic notice level two when returning and must earn a quarterly GPA to a 2.0 or better at the end of the quarter in which the student returns.

  • If the quarterly GPA is above a 2.0, the student will remain on academic notice level two until the cumulative GPA also rises above a 2.0.
  • If the quarterly GPA is below a 2.0, the student will progress to academic notice level four.

Academic Notice, Level 4

One-year Suspension From the College

In the fourth consecutive quarter of enrollment with a quarterly grade point average below 2.0, the student is placed on academic notice, level four status. At this level:

  • The college will suspend the student for one year; this means the student will be dropped from any future enrollment. During the student’s suspension, the student may not register for any course.
  • The student may not participate in events or activities reserved for students.

In order to return, the student must meet with the Director of Student Development to receive support and develop a success plan.

  • Success plans may include and are not limited to: restrictions on the number of credits a student may take, requirements to participate in support services such as tutoring, coordinated care between offices on campus and off campus as needed, and/or requirements to take classes in a particular sequence.
  • Registration for future quarters can only happen after this meeting and with permission from the Director.
  • The college prohibits late registration for students returning from academic suspension.
  • Some programs may have additional re-application requirements.

The student will be placed on academic notice level two when returning and must earn a quarterly GPA to a 2.0 or better at the end of the quarter in which the student returns.

  • If the quarterly GPA is above a 2.0, the student will remain on academic notice level two until the cumulative GPA also rises above a 2.0.
  • If the quarterly GPA is below a 2.0, the student will return to academic notice level four and will be suspended for one year.

Appeal of Academic Notice Level Three or Four

Students may only appeal Academic Notice level three and four status. To be eligible for an appeal, the student must show proof of circumstances over which they did not have control and/or show proof of making measurable and substantial progress towards resolving the issues leading to poor academic performance. The appeal is an informal meeting with the Vice President of Student Services. The vice president reviews appeals on a case by case basis and may grant the appeal, allow the student to continue under certain conditions, or deny the appeal. As part of the appeal process the vice president may consult with individuals relevant to the student’s success which include but is not limited to: the student’s advisor, program faculty, support staff, and/or relevant instructional deans. The decision of the vice president is final.

To initiate an appeal, please complete the Academic Notice Appeal form. You will need the following information to complete the form:

  • Name
  • Student ID number
  • Email address
  • Last quarter of attendance
  • Describe the circumstances that resulted in academic notice level three or four
  • Describe how these circumstances have been resolved
  • Describe your plan for academic success if you are re-admitted to the college
  • Describe other factors the vice president should know about the situation

Academic Notice Appeal Form