Applying Identity Elements

Consistent application of the LWTech branding (logo, typography, color palette, writing style, etc.) will help us build a strong brand. 

Microsoft Office Templates for Supplemental Communications & Marketing

Communications & Marketing (C&M) has and will continue to provide templates in Word and PowerPoint for mass-use in the form of presentation slides, flyers, posters, and text documents using the most common-font-denominator Arial typeface for campus-wide ease of use.

These templates are intended to supplement–not replace–official market materials made by C&M, which include the Viewbook and Info Cards. If you find your officially marketed materials are out of date and you need to update them, please contact C&M immediately.

These templates are not mandatory for your supplemental marketing efforts. If you stay within the parameters of the Brand Guide and you submit your materials to C&M for brand/messaging approval (this is required), you will (mostly) be fine.

Template Downloads

Poster templates coming soon!

For materials beyond the functionality of these templates or official marketing materials, please contact C&M to start your new project.