If You See Something, Say Something

In support of the college safety plan, the Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) team uses collaboration, information collection, risk assessment, and intervention to create a safe campus community. Based upon reports of student behavior, the CARE team plans preventive strategies and interventions to assist students, faculty, and staff in supporting students who may be at risk.

For the purpose of creating a safe learning environment for students and employees, the CARE Team will:

  • Serve as a place for employees and students to bring safety concerns regarding students
  • Collect and monitor information concerning students in one place e.g., Data Bank
  • Assess and make recommendations to staff and faculty
  • Provide support to staff and faculty

Goals of the CARE Team

  • Develop a process of reporting and assessing student crisis/safety issues focused on early identification, shared information, and tracking
  • Develop a culture of "If you see something, say something"
  • Collaborate with Staff Development, the Safety Committee, and others as needed to provide input regarding Crisis trainings or procedures

What the CARE Team Is Not Responsible For

  • Detecting state of mind or intention or for predicting future action.
  • Communicating student behavior to the entire campus; employees will receive information only as related to job duties or direct involvement in a situation.

Care Team Structure

The CARE Team meets every Wednesday or as needed for crisis intervention during the academic year. The current CARE Team includes:

  • Ruby Hayden, Vice President of Student Services
  • Anthony Bowers, Director of Campus Public Safety
  • Meena Park, Vice President of Human Resources
  • Sheila Walton, Director, Office of Student Life
  • Katie Peacock, Director of Student Development
  • David Rector, Dean of International Programs
  • Tuan Dang, Dean of High School Programs
  • Mony Loeum, Assistant Director, Disability and Support Services
  • Tien Do, Director for TRiO
  • Stacy Woodruff, Faculty, Health Sciences

Other employees may be brought in as consultants on a case by case basis such as faculty counselors, experienced faculty members to provide mentor style support to other faculty, and student services personnel or others with knowledge of the student(s) in question.

Please use the online reporting form to contact us about students of concern.

The team will discuss reports during the next regularly scheduled meeting or during an emergency meeting. Typically, the CARE Team will identify strategies for intervention and provide a member of the team to consult with the faculty or staff person who initiated the contact within one week depending on the severity of the issue.

IMPORTANT - Campus Safety

Call 911 (9-911 from a campus phone) if you witnessed a crime or if you survived a physical assault, sexual assault, public indecency, stalking, or other crime.  After you complete the 911 call, then promptly inform the security office at Ext. 8224 and your immediate supervisor, and Administration.

Completion of the LWTech Accident/Incident Report is required for safety and security concerns that involve accidents, physical injuries, property damage (such as car break-ins, accidents, or crimes) or any incidents which involve the local police, paramedics, or fire department. The LWTech Accident/Incident Report Form is available online and in the Security Office, E145.