Fire Safety

Conventional Explosive Events

A conventional explosive event is one that does not include the release of biological, chemical, or radiological materials. It is an event that may cause serious injury or death by way of debris hurled violently from the source of the explosion, from powerful sub- and super-sonic shock waves released as a result of the explosion, secondary building collapses and/or fires. Conventional explosive events are easy to identify; loud noise, debris flying through the air, shock waves, and fire are usual indicators of such an event.

If a report is received of a conventional explosive event on campus:

  1. Notify 911 then LWTech Campus Public Safety immediately (425-739-8224).

  2. LWTech Campus Public Safety will establish a quarantine perimeter of approximately 300 feet; no one will be allowed in or out of this area until cleared by officials. If the event occurs at night, the perimeter may be expanded, as heavy night air may fuel fires or facilitate contamination of chemical or biological agents in the explosion area.

  3. If the report is from your immediate area, it is important to get upwind and away from the source of the explosion as quickly as possible without leaving the quarantine area. Remain there until cleared to leave by emergency response officials. To leave without clearance is to put even more people in potential danger.

  4. If persons within the explosion area are unable to identify the exact location of the event, public health officials must determine if other, secondary, explosives may be in the immediate area and take the proper course of action to eliminate the danger of additional explosions; however, it is important to remember that it make take a significant amount of time to determine the exact location and safety of the explosion area. Be patient.

  5. While in the quarantine area do what you can to protect yourself. Get as far away, and upwind, from the event as possible (while remaining in the quarantine area). When possible treat injuries with available first-aid until arrival of emergency medical personnel; wash thoroughly when possible. If necessary, cover your mouth and nose with layers of fabric such as cotton t-shirts, handkerchiefs, tissue paper or paper towels to reduce the possibility of contaminating your respiratory system from dust and smoke from the explosion. Remember, within the confines of your quarantine area, get upwind from the source of contamination.

  6. Note personal health symptoms as well as those around you. Write this information down if possible to pass on to health officials. Remain calm, await treatment/release.